Geocross completes 5 tasks at once

When it comes to paving products, recycled plastic offers innovative features other materials simply do not have. It is as durable as asphalt, ceramics, and stone, yet extremely easy to mold, which opens many possibilities in terms of multipurpose.

Geocross is a perfect example. It was initially developed as a high-grip surface for airfields and driveways but ended up solving at least 5 problems at once.

1 Easy installation

Easy installation

Geocross has no accessories – the couplings are molded into it. Just place, buckle, and press with a rammer roller.

2 Soil stabilization

Soil stabilization

With a 1.5 kg weight and 60 % closed cell structure, Geocross has the ability to “float” on the ground, providing vehicle access on lawns, existing grass surfaces, poor soils, or muddy areas.

3 Turf protection

Turf protection

Geocross has open hexagonal cells that allow the grass to grow into them and evenly distribute the load of vehicles, preserving the existing green surface.

4 Permeability


While asphalt seals the city increasing the risk of flooding, Geocross provides excellent rainwater permeability to prevent water stagnation and runoff.

5 Sustainability


Geocross is made of 100 % recycled Polyethylene – the most commonly used type of plastic, initially made for packaging containers, bottles, and bags. It is also 100 % recyclable.

Contact us to use Geocross in your next project.