Video – Aquabox at Industrial warehouse in Cambridge (ON), Canada

Aquabox increased the sustainable profitability of an industrial warehouse and office complex in Cambridge, Ontario.

Faced with the challenges of a shallow excavation depth of only 2.7 m and high groundwater levels, Geoplast engineers recommended constructing 2 large basins with a single layer of Aquabox, totaling 2700 m³.


By choosing Aquabox for stormwater management, our clients achieved several advantages over traditional gravel solutions:

1. Aquabox is made of recycled plastic, reducing the use of virgin materials,
2. Its lightweight and stackable design minimizes storage and transportation costs,
3. Manual installation reduces the use of machinery and improves worksite safety,
4. Provides superior capacity, even with limited excavation depths.

The streamlined installation and reduced reliance on unsustainable materials, machinery, and transportation enhanced both the sustainability and profitability of the project. Watch our video to see the basins being constructed at this major site.