3 new ways of using Geoplast products
11 April 2023

In Geoplast, we design by learning from our customers and end-users. This yields versatility as a key aspect of our products: each can be utilized in several ways, many of which were unclear even to us before they were suggested in construction. Here are 3 non-specific applications of Skydome, Geopanel, and Aquabox.

Precast bridge sections, Sarawak Province, East Malaysia
Skydome is a reusable formwork for lightened slabs, well known for its aesthetic effect in the interior when left exposed. In this project, however, Skydome was used for the construction of high load-bearing precast slabs, to support the passage of heavy vehicles over the unstable terrains in Sarawak Province.
Skydome is a reusable formwork for lightened slabs, well known for its aesthetic effect in the interior when left exposed. In this project, however, Skydome was used for the construction of high load-bearing precast slabs, to support the passage of heavy vehicles over the unstable terrains in Sarawak Province.

Water treatment tanks, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Because it was designed for manual construction, Geopanel had to be composed of fairly small modules that single workers could lift. Although it was initially made for flat structures like flat walls, beams, and columns, Geopanel’s modularity allowed it to be used for a series of circular, 8 to 21 m water tanks in Yunlin County.
Because it was designed for manual construction, Geopanel had to be composed of fairly small modules that single workers could lift. Although it was initially made for flat structures like flat walls, beams, and columns, Geopanel’s modularity allowed it to be used for a series of circular, 8 to 21 m water tanks in Yunlin County.

Lightweight structural fill, Bologna Pediatric Hospital, Italy
Despite being designed as a stormwater management solution, Aquabox sometimes overcomes its initial purpose. Since its rectangular modules can form stable structures of different shapes, Aquabox was used as a lightweight fill solution, to replace large volumes of soil at the Bologna Hospital’s roof garden.
Despite being designed as a stormwater management solution, Aquabox sometimes overcomes its initial purpose. Since its rectangular modules can form stable structures of different shapes, Aquabox was used as a lightweight fill solution, to replace large volumes of soil at the Bologna Hospital’s roof garden.