Geoplast partners with the ISI – Ingegneria Sismica Italiana
17 January 2024

We are glad to announce that Geoplast is a Supporting Associate of the ISI – Italian Seismic Engineering Association. Our New Nautilus, New Nautilus Evo, Skydome, Skyrail, Airplast, and Skynet are now proudly wearing their mark.
The ISI is a reference for Italian construction engineering, increasing the seismic safety of structures and infrastructures, and supporting innovative technologies and services.
Geoplast foundation and slab solutions were developed through innovation. We replaced concrete, aggregates, compacted soil, and EPS with recycled plastic to increase the sustainable profitability and seismic performance of construction projects.
In addition, we have established an extensive range of consulting services to make sure improvements are achieved in each step of the construction project: from initial design project execution and maintenance.
In the period ahead, we will continue our work and collaboration with the ISI in the hope of increasing the structural safety of many more projects. We also wish our new partners many new members in the years to come.
If you have questions about improving the seismic of your projects, email Federico Minaldo, Chief Engineering Officer, at or connect on LinkedIn.