Modulo is EPD certified!
15 November 2023

We are proud to announce that Modulo is the first of many of our products that is now certified by the International EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) system.
The EPD certifies manufacturers’ commitment to measure, reduce, and report accurate and third-party-verified data about the environmental performance of their products and services.
As part of the certification process, Modulo’s environmental impact was first evaluated in the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study, which was then verified by an independent reviewer, and compiled in the Modulo report available on the EPD portal.
The EPD report provides our clients with verifiable and comparable results of Modulo’s environmental performance throughout its life cycle, distinguishing it from uncertified products on the market.
In the period ahead, we will be obtaining EPD certifications for our other products as well. New Nautilus and New Elevetor will be the first, among others.