Open innovation call – suggest Geoplast products installation improvements
25 October 2022

We are offering 200 EUR rewards for suggestions on how to improve the installation of Modulo, New Elevetor, Aquabox, New Nautilus Evo, and other products. This opportunity is part of our growing open innovation activities.
How to innovate with us
Innovation occurs when there is a problem. Are you experiencing difficulty with a product? Something interrupts your workflow? A product is causing you discomfort? Setup is confusing? Is anything harder than you think it should be?
If YES, you are ready to innovate with us!
About open innovation
Open innovation includes end-user experience in product design. It was always an important element of our innovation. We design with and for end-users – construction workers, installers, construction managers, civil engineers, and others who use our products on construction sites. We depend on them to maintain our leadership in safety, ergonomy, and ease of use.
Participate in our open innovation opportunity
1. We published an opportunity with a specific need and reward,
2. Anyone can add an innovation suggestion to that opportunity,
3. Our team will evaluate all the suggestions and reward valuable ones with 200 EUR,
4. Payment will arrive directly from Geoplast.
apply here to our first opportunity
Our first open innovation opportunity is asking for improvements in the installation of Modulo, New Elevetor, Aquabox, New Nautilus Evo, and our other products. We are interested specifically in:
- Transport or storage,
- Handling and positioning the products,
- Installation speed,
- Faster formwork removal,
- Cleaning of reusable products.
Anyone can apply – the opportunity is intended for all workers, site managers, engineers, students, or anyone with ideas on how to improve our products.
We will reward 200 EUR for each valuable innovation suggestion.
We are using for our open innovation projects. You can also use their Android app.
The innovation is written in Italian and English but suggestions can be submitted in any language.