Sustainable profitability checklist
20 July 2023

Each project phase offers improvement opportunities in terms of sustainable profitability: from planning and design to construction and the finished project. Implement these checklist items to save money, resources, and make your next project more sustainable.
Reduce CO2 emissions
Plan to reduce concrete and virgin materials in foundations, slabs, roofs and walls, and landscaped surfaces in the early stages of your project.
Limit energy use
Include passive roof and wall solutions that improve the insulation and reduce the need for cooling and heating in the building.
Decrease pollution
Limit the air and noise pollution coming from heavy machinery and vehicles with reusable formwork and slab solutions designed for manual installation.
Minimize transport
Plan for safe and efficient movement of materials by choosing lightweight stackable solutions that reduce transport and worksite storage.
Increase green areas
Minimize the threat to biodiversity by including new green areas in your project, such as extensive and intensive green roofs, walls, parking, and pedestrian surfaces.
Mitigate flooding
Mitigate flooding risks by incorporating stormwater management measures for rainwater drainage, infiltration, and retention onto your site.
Reduce waste
Reduce jobsite waste and landfill disposal with modular recycled plastic formwork that eliminates cuts and waste and can be used many times.
Reuse water
Reduce water waste by incorporating reuse measures into your development, such as rainwater and greywater harvesting for irrigation, fire protection, and domestic use.
Checking all the items is not always possible, but achieving some of them will already increase the project profit and improve construction sustainability.