Climate change – Geoplast - sustainable construction solutions Geoplast S.p.A. Thu, 24 Nov 2022 10:09:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Climate change – Geoplast - sustainable construction solutions 32 32 Watch how easy it is to make the city more sustainable Wed, 09 Mar 2022 09:31:25 +0000 Cities seal the natural, permeable land with buildings and asphalt, causing heat islands, increased energy use, and flood disasters. While net-zero resolutions are assuring us that someone out there is solving the problem, the urban population is expected to double by 2050, adding another 1.2 million km2 of built areas. […]

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Make money by saving the planet – sustainable profitability for construction Wed, 24 Nov 2021 05:16:47 +0000 COP 26 is a failure of governments to impose regulation on businesses to reduce pollution and prevent climate crisis. However, construction leaders should not rely on regulation. They should rely on their business sense. Construction industry should invest in sustainability, reduction of pollution, and prevention of climate crisis, not because […]

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Desert cities require better stormwater management – Join us at WETEX 2020 Dubai Mon, 19 Oct 2020 14:17:18 +0000 Whether you like it or not, climate change is a fact. One of the surprising results is an increase in the occurrence of sudden rainstorms in desert areas. In recent years, flash floods became more frequent in desert cities, highlighting the inadequacy of existing water management systems. In the last […]

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Green facades make a big difference Mon, 21 Oct 2019 15:04:39 +0000 Solutions we developed – lightened slabs, ventilated foundations, water management, green roofs and facades – have an enormous power to improve our lives. However, they must be scaled up from details to general mass approach. We designed these solutions to deliver a global impact only if they are implemented at […]

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Our top resilience articles Wed, 21 Aug 2019 08:51:33 +0000 Although the problem of urban resilience spans global scale, we strongly believe that it can be achieved literally by the details – simply by products embedded in every element of a building. We designed products that respond to several resilience types: Water resilience – New Elevetor Tank, Geocell, Drening, Drainpanel, […]

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Geoplast products that improve urban resilience Thu, 02 May 2019 09:05:29 +0000 Around 40 million people in the world are under constant flooding risk in coastal cities. Floodings are consequences of sea level rise, hurricanes, high tides, groundwater rise, or extreme precipitation. So far, the most challenged world countries and cities have been: China – Shanghai,  Guangzhou, Shenzhen, India – Kolkata, Mumbai, […]

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Urban Flooding Resilience Webinar Wed, 13 Feb 2019 09:00:00 +0000 Predictions say that until 2040, floods will strongly impact Southeast Asian countries, due to climate change and global warming. During last 20 years, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar and Thailand were affected by extreme disasters, such as typhoons, tsunamis and massive floods, leaving thousands of people without homes, water, and basic living […]

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2019 will be the year for engineers Mon, 31 Dec 2018 15:34:09 +0000 The crucial topics that  personally affected me the most in 2018 were the United Nations 2030 deadline for climate change action, and a recently published article by Jeffrey Sachs titled — “For Climate Safety, Call in the Engineers”. We here at Geoplast were strongly taken aback by the findings found in these […]

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