Geoplast innovation focuses on integrating sustainability and profitability in architecture, construction, building use, and its further maintenance.

We have 20 years of experience in the research and development of new solutions and materials, with over 40 products that unite sustainability and profitability in construction projects.


Planet Earth satellite view

Climate crisis is here

Climate crisis is the biggest influence in construction today. All our products contribute to reducing climate crisis in building and living.

Geoplast innovative products for Sustainable profitability

Sustainable profitability

Change must and can also be profitable. We innovate to both reduce climate crisis, increase efficiency, increase quality, and increase profit for investors, builders, and – most importantly – people who use the projects.

Geoplast Geotub, Fisht Stadium in Sochi aerial view

Accessible to all now

Our innovations and products are designed to benefit everywhere in the world today. They are not an exclusive showcase but a real solution offering equal benefits to all.

Geoplast recycled plastic product detail

Utilizing recycled plastic

We aim to use recycled plastic in all our products. We combine 40 years of experience working with recycled plastic and we are always looking for problems which can be solved by it.

Geoplast New Nautilus slab formwork at construction site

Reducing building material

Reducing building materials through more efficient design is the key to sustainably profitable construction.

Geoplast Completa green roof installation

Natural solutions are best

Nature is many times smarter than we are. We favor applying natural solutions over technology in each part of the building, from foundations to roof.

Geoplast project Symbiosis Business District in Milan

More resilience

Resilience means longer-lasting buildings which means more value to owners and fewer costs in maintenance. With the climate crisis, resilience is even more important.

Geoplast Skydome slab formwork on construction site

Must be modular

All our products are modular allowing easy use in all kinds of projects, from smallest to biggest. We do not make products that are not modular.

Geoplast Aquabox stormwater management installation on worksite

Workers must be safe

People in direct contact with our products must be safer than with any other product. We aim to increase ergonomy and safety while decreasing the weight and use of machinery in construction.


We offer a wide range of innovations for ground-floor structural elements, e.g. foundations, basement walls, ramps, or slabs, that simultaneously fulfill different tasks: minimize the use of concrete, create lightweight structural fillings, produce ventilated layers that keep the structure dry, and form crawl spaces for MEP infrastructure.

Geoplast formwork innovations are made of recycled plastic that makes them light, 100+ times reusable, and easy to manually install. They can cast any structural element in the most extreme environments and weather conditions, with significant savings in transport, storage, space, and construction time.

Our slab innovations allow a simple installation of large-span monodirectional, bidirectional, or flat concrete slabs. They are designed to reduce the use of concrete in slabs, which reduces the load on bearing structural elements, progressively improving the seismic resilience, sustainability, and profitability of the entire building.

Geoplast green innovations utilize recycled plastic grids for creating green walkways, green parking lots, green walls, and green roofs. By creating a layer of soil and grass on walls and roofs, they improve insulation, making buildings more energy-efficient. They also improve the permeability of city areas, increasing flood resilience and reducing urban heat islands.

We offer a range of innovative rainwater management systems for improving stormwater resilience in urban areas. Compared to alternatives such as concrete or gravel, our solutions are lightweight, highly efficient, easy to install, and able to adjust to any available surface or excavation volume.

Our innovative sport tilings are easy to assemble, durable, reusable, and suitable for different indoor and outdoor uses: leisure areas, equestrian areas, racing tracks, and an array of team sports such as basketball, volleyball, hockey, and tennis, among other.

In order to support an eco-friendly approach to waste management, Geoplast has developed innovative biostabilization and biofiltration systems that utilize recycled plastic to create perforated floorings with reduced use of concrete or without concrete slabs.

Innovate with us

We co-design products

Product design

We are experts in recycled plastics manufacturing and sustainably profitable construction. We are open to co-designing products with your company.

Contact: Mirco Pegoraro

We offer project consulting

Geoplast Skydome

Our experts can work with your urbanism, architecture, engineering, and construction teams to improve the sustainability, profitability, and efficiency of your projects.

Contact: Luca Zausa

Recycled plastic manufacturing

New Nautilus Modules during construction

We have decades of recycled plastic manufacturing experience. We are available to work with you to find the best ways for your products to use recycled plastics.

Contact: Mirco Pegoraro

Open innovation with our product users

Open innovation worker safety

We are interested in feedback from real users of our products. We offer cash rewards for feedback which can improve our product performance in construction sites, transport, and other situations.

Please use the platform.

Contact our innovation team

Mirco Pegoraro

CEO, innovation, product design

Mirco Pegoraro SEO Geoplast

Mirco is Geoplast founder, CEO, and product designer. He started exploring the idea of using recycled plastic in construction while still a student at the University of Padua. He launched Modulo, his first product, in 1998. Talk to Mirco about general challenges, new products, projects, manufacturing needs.

Federico Minaldo

Chief Engineering Officer

Geoplast - Federico Minaldo

Federico attained civil, structural, and environmental engineering degrees at the University of Padua and Sheffield. He has supervised the development and construction of many important Geoplast projects throughout the world. Talk to Federico about general challenges, products, and structural design.

Luca Zausa

Global CSO

Luca Zausa Geoplast CSO

Luca is an alumnus of the University of Padua with an Engineering and Management background. He has managed the growth of Geoplast from local to global presence matching Geoplast innovations with local needs. Talk to Luca about general challenges and project needs.

Internal innovations

Geoplast headquarters aerial view
  • Our Headquarters are the best showcase for implementing innovations in building construction,
  • We use solar energy wherever possible,
  • We utilize basins for rainwater harvesting and reuse,
  • We rely on electric power instead of fossil fuels,
  • We prioritize digitalization in our work management and projects.

Talk to us to use our innovations in your next construction project.

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