Drening reflue

Bio-Filters are used downstream of the industrial, chemical, agricultural, and composting systems.


Their function is to remove the harmful substances and the smells that are released in the air during processes in these facilities.


  • Fast place
  • High resistance to pressure
  • Walkable during the place
  • High air bearing with a uniform distribution


Installation Scheme

Biodrening process scheme


Biodrening accessories

Drening cap

The Drening cap is the only one that permits both the entry and the exit basin closures. It has to be hooked by interlocking, In the case it doesn't hook at one side, rotate it by 180° and try to hook it again. Each cap is made to be perforated and the pipes standard diameters are indicated with a stamp.

The pipes can be inserted both at the top and at the bottom of the cap.

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