How long does geogravel permeability last? Is it long-term?
Geogravel micro-perforated mesh (made of HD PE virgin material) guarantees an high permeability and, at the same time, it was designed to avoid the sedimentation of the fine- grained material. Moreover, the surface where Geogravel is installed needs to be permeable too. The water does not have to stagnate or infiltrate in the soil, it has to naturally replenish groundwater.
Why use a gravel grid? Which are the advantages?
The inconvenients that gravel surfaces frequently suffer are: the formation of furrows and puddles, the raising of dust and the difficult transit of bikes and prams. A continuous maintenance is necessary in order to avoid these issues. Geogravel is designed to create gravel draining surfaces while, at the same time, stabilize the gravel both horizontally and vertically. These characteristics are excellent to avoid the use of new gravel.
Is it possible to use geogravel for the transit of heavy vehicles?
Yes, it is.
Geogravel is very resistant to compression and was tested following the regulation DIN 1072 to resist to loads of at least 20 tons. Naturally, the sub-surface needs to have the ideal road characteristics to guarantee an high resistance to loads and low maintenance costs.
How long does a surface with Geogravel last?
If Geogravel is installed correctly, it will last for many years. The secret for a long-lasting and satisfying result is the right realization of the background for the installation of the product. In fact, it does guarantee the stability of Geogravel and requires only a periodical maintenance to guarantee the complete filling of the cells.
Is the maintainance with Geogravel simple?
Following the prescriptions for the creation of the background , the times and costs of maintenance for Geogravel can be reduced in comparison to no-consolidated gravel surfaces. It is sufficient to verify periodically the complete filling of the cells.