AFI Brasov shopping mall, Brasov, Romania

Multimodulo was chosen for the construction of the AFI Brasov shopping mall, located in the city center of Brasov, Romania. It was used to create the sloped floors of the mall’s parking and make crawl spaces for the stormwater management system at the same time.
Multimodulo was the perfect solution for this project because it was designed specifically for large buildings. It includes 4 elements in one, which makes it able to withstand heavy loads, while its variety of sizes allows the creation of sloped surfaces. Multimodulo also brought other advantages for the shopping mall’s construction by:
- Decreasing the amount of concrete,
- Reducing installation time,
- Enabling easier installation of the MEP systems,
- Allowing the elimination of the rising damp and Radon gas mitigation.
AFI Brasov shopping mall entails a 93,000 m2 area, with more than 200 shops, 1,600 parking spots, and a 3,500 m2 green roof. It is a certified LEED GOLD green building.
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