Direct and Indirect Impacts of Vegetation on Building Comfort: A Comparative Study of Lawns, Green Walls and Green Roofs

Laurent Malys, Christian Inard - Université de La Rochelle, Marjorie Musy - Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement

Following development and validation of the SOLENE-microclimat tool, the underlying model was used to compare the impacts of various "greening strategies" on buildings' summer energy consumption and indoor comfort. This study distinguishes between direct and indirect impacts by successively implementing the test strategies on both the studied building and surrounding ones; it also considers insulated vs. non-insulated buildings. Findings indicate that green walls have a direct effect on indoor comfort throughout the entire building, whereas the effect of green roofs is apparently primarily confined to the upper floor. Moreover, the indirect effect of a green wall is greater, mainly due to the drop in infrared emissions resulting from a lower surface temperature. It has also been proven that the indirect effects of green walls and surrounding lawns can help reduce the loads acting on a non-insulated building.

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