Mono-directional slabs for parking lots

Our system for creating of lightened slabs for parking lots

  • Monodirectional slabs for car parks


    Formwork for the construction of lightweight unidirectional slabs


    Geoplast solution for mono-directional lightened slabs is our Airplast — a new way to conceive the power of lightness and to build without wasting natural resources. Airplast can be easily installed onto the concrete slabs during the production stage, maintaining perfect alignment. The installation is very fast and like many of our other products, Geoplast formworks for mono-directional slabs are made of polypropylene, a waterproof element which prevents and avoids any soaking issue. This means it does not retain nor release water over time, preventing the buildup of damp (mold, stains, etc.).


    Geoplast produces high quality solutions that fully respect the environment. Airplast and Skyrail formworks are ideal for parking lots as well as residential and commercial buildings due to being able of producing lightweight slabs, as well as creating spaces that are great for installing plumbing pipes and electrical systems. Use of our formwork can reduce individual slab weight up to 20%, making it the perfect solution reducing seismic mass and avoiding structural failures.


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