Prefabricated predalles slabs

Combination of predalles

New Nautilus

Recycled plastic formwork for the construction of lightweight concrete bidirectional slabs


Formwork for the construction of lightweight unidirectional slabs


Geoplast has created formwork for predalles slabs — an excellent alternative when compared to traditional polystyrene and brick formworks.


Geoplast’s New Nautilus and Airplast are made of recycled polyethylene plastic that offers an eco-friendly alternative to traditional formwork since it can be reused many times. Moreover, unlike polystyrene plastics that suffer from moisture retention, our polyethylene formwork is waterproof, preventing issues with concrete soaking.


In addition to being waterproof, our New Nautilus and Airplast formwork are easy to handle, well-insulated, easy to store, and can be quickly installed thanks to our lower locking anchors that fix firmly in fresh concrete. These advantages are available without sacrificing durability, as these formwork are sturdy enough to be walked on without breaking.


Airplast is a plastic rectangular element suitable for precasting unidirectional predalles slabs, which are then placed on fresh concrete when creating prefabricated slabs.


New Nautilus formwork can be used individually or used in combination to create a double structure. In addition to the classic prefabricated predalles, it can be used to create semi-prefabricated slabs that can be either mono-directional or bi-directional.


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