Dancing surface

Dancing is an activity that requires at the same time rapid gliding of shoes, good adherence to the floor and comfort to safeguard joints. Gripper offers all these features, always guaranteeing optimal performance.

Gripper Indoor

Modular surface for indoor sports

Gripper Outdoor

Modular surface for outdoor sports


For a sport like dance, which requires great elasticity and ease of movement, Gripper is the ideal surface. Available in two versions, Indoor and Outdoor, it can be easily installed in any type of area. Thanks to the special Snap-fit coupling, installation can also be carried out by non-specialist personnel. The characteristics of resistance, drainage and practicality make Gripper an appreciated solution for all types of sports uses, especially for sports such as dancing where it is important to reduce joint fatigue. Gripper is an extremely versatile surface that guarantees the protection of the joints and the right adhesion to make the most of the tile in any kind of occasion.


  • Easy to lay
  • Movementable
  • Versatile
  • Customizable
  • Draining
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