Which is the height of the formwork? Which sizes are available?
The formwork is 60 cm high. The product range is composed by 3 modular panels which can be combined: GEOPANEL STAR 20-60 for columns of 20-30-40-50-60 cm; GEOPANEL STAR 25-65 for columns of 25-35-45-55-65 cm; GEOPANEL STAR 70-100 for columns of 70-80-90-100 cm. Up to 136 different combinations!
How much pressure does GEOPANEL STAR system resist to?
GEOPANEL system resists up to 80 KN/m² fresh concrete pressure.
Are there any particular pour prescription? May I use any kind of concrete?
According to UNI EN 206:2006 and UNI 11104:2004 (the reference standard is DIN 18218: 2010-01 ), we provide a calculation chart of the concrete pour speed to mantain pressure on the formwork below the stated resistance limit. Tests were performed on GEOPLAST formwork with concrete of consistency class of S4, but it is possible to use also S5 or SCC concretes with a reduction of the pour speed.
Are all the fixing handles necessary? How much traction do they resist?
Yes, they are. The supplied red handles resist more than 900 Kg traction, but every one of them is necessary to guarantee the resistance of the formwork. The fixing of the panels can be only made with GEOPLAST handles, and any other method to join the GEOPANEL STAR panels can not be guaranteed by us.
Does the formwork require any dismantling agent?
No dismantling agent is required. It is necessary just to clean properly the elements. If any dismantling agent is needed, use water-based ones or very diluited ones (2 parts water, 1 part dismantling agent).
How much time do I need to install the formwork for a column of 3,00 m high?
The first column require 25 minutes, then it is possible to move directly one half of the column (L-configuration) reducing a lot the installation time.
Until which height can I avoid the reinforcement bars?
Until 40 cm. Over this size, the panel must be reinforced with tie rods and anchor nuts. Such reinforcements are necessary to guarantee the resistance of the formwork and avoid the formation of breaks or deformations.
Which type of tie rods and anchor nuts do I need?
Common tie rods (dywidag) Ø=17 mm. Traditional iron anchor nuts from the steel panels can be used, but we recommend Geoplast anchor nuts in nylon, lighter and easier to move in the construction site.
NB: Geoplast anchor nuts are designed only to be used with Geoplast Formwork systems.
Could other fixing systems be used to join the panels or to reinforce the structure?
The joining of the panels must be done with Geoplast nylon handles. Any other method to join the panels can not be guaranteed by the company. Any reinforcement system which could stiffen excessively the structure are to be avoided, as they could break the panels, which would not be ble to respond elastically to the pressure of fresh concrete. The panels must not be nailed. Bars F-UN2000 and UN 500-750-1000-1500 are patented by Geoplast and are not available in the market.
How high can I build with GEOPANEL STAR system?
With a single pour it is possible to build a column of 4,20 m. It is possible to build higher columns, with a pause of at least 2 hours (it depends on the temperature) between one pour and the following one. For columns higher than 3 m and of different size than 70×70 cm, it is necessary to use the required reinforcement equipment designed by Geoplast Technical Department.
Is there a possibility to have blunt corners?
Yes, blunt corners can be created with Geoplast chamfer. Chamfers are available in two sizes: 22 mm or 33 mm. It must be installed between the two corner panels. Chamfers must not be nailed.
How can the formwork be cleaned?
The formwork can easily be cleaned with water. A pressure washer can also be used in order to quicken the cleansing and obtain better results.
How is GEOPANEL STAR system propped and plumbed?
The shoring is made through the stabilizer plate available in different sizes to match with the various types of props. Alternatively, for small columns, it is possible to fix the props under the ribs of the formwork.
How can GEOPANEL STAR be fixed to the ground?
The panels can be fixed to the ground through wooden reinforcements, fixing brackets or tie rods. This fixing method avoids the possible lifting of the panels.