Parking solution for gravel driveways

This system has been especially designed for gravel surfaces. GEOGRAVEL allows the creation of draining pedestrian areas, walkways and parking lots. Our micro-perforated base retains the gravel, avoiding the need for regular maintenance interventions


Grid for high resistance gravel parkings


As well as creating spaces for green parkings, green walkways and passages for the vehicles, GEOGRAVEL should take into consideration also the maintenance of drivable lawns. GEOGRAVEL is ideal to mantain the natural permeability of the soil and to ensure the proper infiltration of rainwater. The use of gravel is the perfect solution to build comfortable driveways and green walkways protecting at the same time the natural drainage.

GEOGRAVEL – made of unadulterated high density polyethilene, an high resistant plastic polymer – is the specially designed solution for gravel driveways or green parkings and walkways. Its micro-perforated base ensures a natural drainage, while preventing the movement of aggregates, avoiding the formation of ruts. In this way no further restoration and maintenance is required. Moreover, GEOGRAVEL’s new material, chemically inert but at the same time durable, is strong and firm enough to support also the passage of heavy vehicles.

Our company is focused on customer care and high quality goods and works everyday to guarantee all the comfort you and the next generations need in a safe environment. For more information about our products for green parkings, green walkways and drivable lawns do not hesitate to contact our technical team.


  • Micro-perforated base with maximum strength and no maintenance
  • No gravel loss
  • No lifting of the grids
  • Maximum comfort for people, vehicles, bikes and wheelchairs
  • Very strong material
  • High resistance to the passage of vehicles
  • Innovative fast-locking system (100 m2/h)


Every year new houses and their related infrastructures, such as parkings, are built on large areas of land: because of this the drainage surface of the soil is heavily reduced with serious consequences on hydrogeological balance.

Geoplast green and gravel parkings are the ideal solution to combine urban development and environment respect.


More on water infiltration and environmental danger

In a non-urbanized territory about half of rainwater infiltrates into the ground contributing to the recharge of aquifers, one of the main sources for water supply. The progressive urbanization is leading to increasing soil sealing, which produces a seriously reduced water infiltration into the ground and an increase in surface runoff. According to the latest European Commission report, every day 250 hectars of land are cemented in Europe; at this rate, in less than a century an area corresponding to the territory of Hungary will be rainproofed. The alteration of natural water balance involves the depletion of groundwater resources as well as very serious problems in the supervision of water flowing along impermeable surfaces, especially during emergency situations. The increase in the frequency and intensity of flood events is an evident proof of this danger. We should urgently begin to apply construction solutions able to restore as much as possible the natural hydrogeological balance of the land. Geogravel and Runfloor allow to realize gravel and grass surfaces which help water infiltration into the soil, at the same time limiting runoff.




  • Bigger permeable surface
  • Better looking results
  • Easier and more economic to lay


  • Base fixed to the grid
  • Guaranteed permeability over time without clogging (No TNT)
  • Strong material
  • Tear resistance of the base (no TNT)
  • No loss of material
  • No liftings
  • Load resistance
  • Sliding friction resistance (typical of vehicles in motion)
  • Guaranteed durability
  • Savings in later maintenance
  • Savings in installation thanks to the locking system
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