Parking solution with turf rolls

With GEOFLOR it is now possible to create parkings with turf rolls while protecting the roots. Quick and easy to lay, it guarantees excellent results


Parking grid for grass protection


All traditional systems for the creation of green parking are necessarily to be laid and thus they require the realization of a new stratigraphy.

Designed with professional agronomists, GEOFLOR is the only solution which can be laid directly on turf rolls, thus allowing fast work and immediate results. GEOFLOR can be laid directly on the turf rolls while they are unrolled. After a few mowings, the lawn is ready for use and GEOFLOR is completely incorporated in the grass, producing a natural effect.

The structure protects the roots ensuring the life of the lawn.


  • It can be laid on turf rolls
  • Maximum speed and simplicity
  • Natural effect
  • Immediately drivable


Every year new houses and their related infrastructures, such as parkings, are built on large areas of land: because of this the drainage surface of the soil is heavily reduced with serious consequences on hydrogeological balance.

Geoplast green and gravel parkings are the ideal solution to combine urban development and environment respect.


More on water infiltration and environmental danger

In a non-urbanized territory about half of rainwater infiltrates into the ground contributing to the recharge of aquifers, one of the main sources for water supply. The progressive urbanization is leading to increasing soil sealing, which produces a seriously reduced water infiltration into the ground and an increase in surface runoff. According to the latest European Commission report, every day 250 hectars of land are cemented in Europe; at this rate, in less than a century an area corresponding to the territory of Hungary will be rainproofed. The alteration of natural water balance involves the depletion of groundwater resources as well as very serious problems in the supervision of water flowing along impermeable surfaces, especially during emergency situations. The increase in the frequency and intensity of flood events is an evident proof of this danger. We should urgently begin to apply construction solutions able to restore as much as possible the natural hydrogeological balance of the land. Geogravel and Runfloor allow to realize gravel and grass surfaces which help water infiltration into the soil, at the same time limiting runoff.




  • It can be laid on turf rolls
  • Quick and easy to lay
  • Immediate results
  • Natural look
  • Immediately drivable
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