Intensive roof gardens

Intensive roof gardens are systems that require high maintenance, but with them it is possible to build real gardens and parks. DRAINROOF is the ideal solution for high load-bearing capacity, required in the case of intensive gardens with trees and decorations with high mechanical stress


The modern solution against extreme urbanization


DRAINROOF is the best solution for the creation of roof gardens on buildings or ground floor.
Green surfaces built with DRAINROOF add value to the environment and help reconstructing the ecological, landscape, ornamental and accessibility balance.
DRAINROOF is a robust system for intensive roof gardens, especially designed for applications on underground garages, squares and highly stressed areas.


  • Maximum accessibility to create gardens with creativity and aesthetics
  • Safety and protection of the waterproof even in drivable surfaces
  • Creation of new leisure areas and better housing welfare
  • Solution for environmental sustainability
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